Coaching Tip from Shan G

Business Tips

Hey friend!!!! I’m here for a quick coaching tip!!!


Make sure to spice up your content! Nobody wants to have calls to action shoved down their throats!!! Add some fun content that can still be related to your brand. Let people know who you are and what your brand represents!!!!

Make sure to follow Girl Get Paid on IG for more tips from me (BARS!!!!)

Create a Space for Manifestations to Thrive

GGP Chat, goal setting, manifestation

Heyyyyy boss friend!!!

It’s so important to create a peaceful and beautiful space for your manifestations to thrive. Have you ever heard the saying God won’t bless you with your closet full? Well it’s so true!!!

I like to set the tone for a peaceful physical environment using my favorite candles from Enchanted Essentials but it’s also important to foster a positive mental environment as well.

Check out this video from ME…Shan G on creating an environment for your manifestations to grow.

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Giving Yourself Grace

GGP Chat

Things are going to happen!!!


You’re not perfect friend and you never will be. But that’s perfectly fine. It’s important to accept that!!! We are all divine beings having a human experience on this earth. That means we will make mistakes, we will fall short, we will…fail (yes I almost threw up saying it)

The key is to give yourself grace. Give yourself the grace that you give others. Forgive yourself and learn from your shortcomings because you friend are perfectly imperfect!!!! Love yourself just the way you are ❤️

Love you friend, and I hope you’re loving on yourself!!!!

Until next time follow us on IG