The Girl Get Paid Mission

From The Founder’s Pen, GGP Chat, Women Making History

I remember being young and dumb. Most of us have been there. Just young and making decisions that make you cringe in your older years. What a lot of us won’t admit is that we were lost. I can admit it though, I was young dumb and lost. I was very intelligent and I was raise “right” to society’s standard, so technically I had all of the keys to success but there was something that was missing. Guidance.

Many young girls are lacking the guidance that they need to be successful women. Even as adults we lack the guidance and resources that we need. That is why my passion is helping women. My mission is to provide the resources and education that I have learned through years of experience and bumping my head along the way. Through sharing my testimonies and those of other women in my community I will reach the masses and change the way we think about sisterhood both online through social media and digital content, as well as in person through mentorship and community events.

So my friend I appreciate your support in this journey of empowering women just like myself. Women who just need an extra push in life. Women who need resources. Women who need a sister friend

Make sure you join our online community on Facebook and follow Girl Get Paid on Instagram

Avoid Letting Fear Beat You: 7 Ways to Boost Your Courage Instantly

GGP Chat, goal setting, manifestation

If you’re not actively pursuing your dreams, fear is likely to blame. Fear can stop you
from taking the actions necessary to achieve success.
Some people are experts at plowing through fears, while others could use a few tips.
You’d be shocked by how much your life would change if you could just increase your
courage by 10%! That’s all it takes.
Courage creates action, which boosts your courage even higher.
Follow these strategies to increase your courage and accomplish more:

  1. Visualize success. Fear comes from imagining the worst, so one solution is to
    imagine a positive outcome. It’s important to make the visualization as real as
    possible. Use all of your senses to create a realistic scene. Imagine how you’ll
    feel when you’re successful.
    Do this regularly and it will make a difference. Employing this technique
    even one time can be enough to take the edge off your fear and allow you
    to act.
    2.Imagine your child is watching you. It’s easy to take the easy way out when
    you’re alone. Have you ever noticed that the presence of an audience can make
    you a little bolder? No one wants to lose face in front of their peers.
    Now, imagine that your child is watching you. Who wants to be afraid in
    front of their own kid? No one! Tell yourself that you’re going to set a
    good example. Behave the way you’d want your child to behave.
    3.Call on your alter ego. You have multiple “personalities”. There’s the
    personality you use at work. There’s another personality you use with your
    friends. Another you use at home. And yet another you’d use at a job interview.
    You can have a personality that is bold and brave. Become that person.
    Give him or her a backstory. Feel the way they would feel. Do what they
    would do. Just be that person.
  2. Ask yourself what a brave person would do. Ask yourself what a brave person
    would do and choose that course of action. Think of someone you know that’s
    brave and contemplate how they would handle the situation you’re in. If you
    know someone who is courageous, ask them what they would do if they were
    5.Imagine you only have a week left to live. If you knew you were done in a week,
    you wouldn’t be afraid of anything. You’d have a great perspective on life, and
    nothing could bother you. If you’re going to die soon, would you care what some
    stranger thought of you or your failure? Of course not.
  3. Focus on the regret you’ll feel if you fail to act. Instead of thinking about
    failure, think about the consequences of never trying. Regret is a painful pill to
    swallow. Give yourself the chance to be successful. The last thing anyone
    wants is to spend the latter part of life wondering “what if?”
    7.Change your physiology. Breathe deeply. Stand up straight. Look straight
    ahead. Stand the way an emperor would stand. Imagine yourself as the most
    successful and powerful person in history. How would you stand, breathe, and
    think? Do that.
    Is fear limiting your choices in life? What would you do if you were free of fear?
    Fortunately, you don’t have to eliminate your fear by 100% to see a drastic change in
    your life. It just takes a small boost in courage to get the ball rolling.
    When you’re faced with fear, try using one of these techniques and notice what
    happens. Take action and learn a new way of approaching the world – without fear!

Your Top 5

Business Tips, GGP Chat, goal setting

I get it, sometimes you lose focus. I do it all the time. Sometimes I’m manifesting so many things that i get caught up in all of my projects. When your IN the process sometimes you lose focus on the actual end goal. Sometimes you just lose momentum and you don’t know what you should do or what your priorities are.When this happens too me I go back to my Top 5 list.

What’s your top 5?

Well make a list of the top 5 goals that you want to achieve. These can be personal or professional goals. they can be as simple as complex as you want because THESE ARE YOUR GOALS. Once you make your Top 5 list write down one action that you can do now to work on achieving this goal. I like to write my top 5 list out everyday to make sure that i am filing my day with activates that align with my purpose and not just a bunch of nothing.
So take out one of your notebooks (hopefully from Gen Luv) and start on your Top 5 boss friend!

Share your Top 5 with us on IG

Create a Space for Manifestations to Thrive

GGP Chat, goal setting, manifestation

Heyyyyy boss friend!!!

It’s so important to create a peaceful and beautiful space for your manifestations to thrive. Have you ever heard the saying God won’t bless you with your closet full? Well it’s so true!!!

I like to set the tone for a peaceful physical environment using my favorite candles from Enchanted Essentials but it’s also important to foster a positive mental environment as well.

Check out this video from ME…Shan G on creating an environment for your manifestations to grow.

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Giving Yourself Grace

GGP Chat

Things are going to happen!!!


You’re not perfect friend and you never will be. But that’s perfectly fine. It’s important to accept that!!! We are all divine beings having a human experience on this earth. That means we will make mistakes, we will fall short, we will…fail (yes I almost threw up saying it)

The key is to give yourself grace. Give yourself the grace that you give others. Forgive yourself and learn from your shortcomings because you friend are perfectly imperfect!!!! Love yourself just the way you are ❤️

Love you friend, and I hope you’re loving on yourself!!!!

Until next time follow us on IG